Monday, April 5, 2010

be healhty and wealthy trough mila the miracle seed

The Miracle Seed is gluten–free, trans–fat free, sugar–free, high in fiber and protein, has no taste or smell and can be deliciously combined with many foods! Its supreme biological properties are not diminished by heat in the baking process, therefore making it easy to incorporate into your favorite recipes.

Mila™ is a mixture of Salvia hispanica L. seed which has been carefully selected to maximize its nutritional value. The mixture is mechanically processed using a proprietary system that optimizes the bioavailability and increases its nutritional value. Nothing is added to the product – it is a pure form of Salvia hispanica L. and is simply the best available today.

mila comparison gram per gram

Comparison of nutritional value of Mila to common grains

Mila's power for improving health!

Loaded with Omega–3's, Fiber, Antioxidants and many other vital nutrients, Mila offers a variety of opportunities to improve your overall health and well being.

Why Mila Image

Heart Health

Given today's typical dietary habits, finding additional sources of Omega–3's is more important than ever. To help offset that negative dietary trend, Mila contains the perfect ratio of 3:1 (3 Omega–3's to 1 Omega–6), all of which makes Mila essential for maintaining a healthy heart.

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Anti Aging

Did you know that every ninety days your body regenerates nearly all of its seven–to–ten trillion cells? When healthy, stronger, smoother, more elastic cells are properly regenerated, the aging process is slowed.

  • Fights free radical damage
  • Aging happens when damaged cells are replicated. Mila's antioxidants act to neutralize the free radicals that cause premature aging.
  • Flushes out age–accelerating toxins
  • Regain youthful exuberance
  • Skin elasticity
  • Hair, skin and nail enhancement
  • Joint lubrication
  • Reduces muscle soreness and speeds rejuvenation
  • Lowers lactic acid buildup in muscles
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Weight Loss

Mila is so nutrient-dense that the equivalent nutrients can only be acquired by consuming an amount of food that represents approximately 6 times the calories of Mila. For example, consuming 3½ oz. of Mila results in about 6 times fewer calories from the combined best sources of the same nutrient. In addition, Mila's exceptionally high level of Tryptophan (an amino acid that suppresses appetite) may relieve hunger pangs. Mila can easily be used in formulating meal replacements.

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Maintaining Healthy Blood Pressure

Mila has a vasodilatory effect by increasing the size of the arteries and thereby can play a role in lowering blood pressure.

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Mila, with its high Omega–3 content, may enhance and balance hormones. Mila may help reduce hot flashes and other symptoms of menopause and help maintain a positive mental outlook.

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Breast Health

Preliminary research at the University of California, Los Angeles suggests that Omega–3's may help maintain healthy breast tissue.

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Prostate Health

Numerous studies show that diets high in Omega–3's and fiber may help maintain a healthy prostate. Mila with its high Omega–3 and fiber content, is an easy and simple way to include these necessary nutritional benefits into your daily diet.

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Gastro–intestinal Health

Mila is also a hydrophilic colloid. This important property aids in the digestion of food and helps control excess acids associated with indigestion, heartburn, and sour stomach. Mila's unique soluble fiber content combined with its hydrophilic colloidal properties makes a gel in the stomach that creates a physical barrier thereby "lining" the stomach.

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Bone Health

Per serving, Mila contains six times more calcium than milk. Mila is a rich source of other essential minerals like phosphorous, magnesium and iron, all of which aid in the absorption and utilization of calcium by the body.

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Mental Health

The International Journal of Clinical Practice tells us that much research (including research from Harvard) has linked low levels of Omega–3's in the body with mood disorders. Omega–3's are believed to keep the brain's pattern of thoughts, reactions, and reflexes running cohesively and efficiently.

Why Mila Image

Blood Sugar

Salvia hispanica L.'s nutrient-dense qualities and Omega-3 content has been shown to assist in the management of proper blood sugar levels.

Why Mila Image

Prenatal Health

The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition reported that Omega–3's are very important to nourish the developing brain of the baby and to the mental health of the mother. Mila also contains essential amino acids, phytonutrients, vitamins and minerals including folate (folic acid) all of which are extremely important in fetal development.

Top of Page

Q) How does Harvest time affect the quality of the product?
A) If the crop is not harvested at optimum maturity, the quality suffers and as such is lower in total oil and Omega–3 content as well as other nutritional components.

Q) How did Salvia hispanica L. become known as “Chia”?
A) The Aztec word for this crop was “chian” but was shortened to “chia” through translation from Nahuatl which is the native language of the Aztecs.

Q) Is there a nutritional difference in the varieties of the seed?
A) Yes. The oil content, amount of Omega–3, protein and phytonutrients vary. Mila is made using seed which is selected because they contain the highest amounts of these components.

Q) What conditions affect the nutritional properties of the Salvia hispanica L.?
A) As with any oil seed crop, cooler climates increase oil content and in this seed it also increases the Omega–3 content as well.

Q) What is the difference between ground and the Mila process?
A) Conventional grinding heats the seed, which in turn leads to oxidation and decreased oil quality and to an extent quantity. Thus grinding reduces the shelf life of the product. The Mila process opens the seed and increases the surface area exposed to the digestive process. This ensures the highest bio–availability of any other form of Salvia hispanica L. known to me.

Q) What is Bio–Availability?
A) Bio–availability is a technical term used to express nutrient availability and absorption. The more bio–available the product, the more beneficial it is to the body.

Q) How many variations of Salvia hispanica L. are out there and are they considered equal in nutritional benefits?
A) The Aztecs had numerous varieties, however today this number has been reduced significantly due to mixing of the seed following the Spanish conquest. Not all have different nutritional profiles since the vast majority of seed available today came from the same mixed source of seed.

Q) What factors affect the nutritional value of Salvia hispanica L.?
A) Climate, rainfall, soil conditions, altitude, latitude and agronomic practices all contribute to the quality of the seed.

Q) How do you determine which seed goes into Mila? Is there a Quality Control process or grading system for the Salvia hispanica L.?
A) All of our production is analyzed in certified laboratories. Based on these analyses, we select only the highest quality seed which is then mixed and processed to produce Mila.

Q) What happens to the seed that doesn't make the cut for use in Mila?
A) Mila truly is a unique product which can only be grown in limited supply! Our mission is to change the health of the world and whatever seed does not make the cut is utilized in many different channels of distribution to achieve that mission.

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